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Enea Group’s generation assets

Description Installed electrical capacity [MWe] Attainable electrical capacity [MWe] Installed heating capacity [MWt]
Kozienice Power Plant 4 071.8 4 016.0 105.0
Połaniec Power Plant 1 837.0 1 882.0 130.0
Białystok Heat and Power Plant 203.5 156.6 383.7
Wind farms Bardy.
Darżyno and Baczyna ( Lubno I. Lubno II )
70.1 70.1 -
Biogas plants Liszkowo i Gorzesław 3.8 3.8 3.1
Hydroelectric plants 60.4 57.6 -
MEC Piła 10.0 10.0 150.4
PEC Oborniki - - 30.4
Enea Ciepło - - 185.0
Total 6 256.6 6 196.1 987.6
  • Generation of electricity and heat

    Data of Enea Wytwarzanie excluding unit No. 11 in Kozienice Power Plant

    Description 2016 2017 Change Q4 2016 Q4 2017 Change
    Total generation of heat (net) [GWh]. including: 13 567 12 715 -6.3% 3 401 2 788 -18.0%
    Net production from conventional sources[GWh]. including: 13 028 12 273 -5.8% 3 255 2 636 -19.0%
    Enea Wytwarzanie (excluding biomass co-combustion) 12 727 11 865 -6.8% 3 149 2 529 -19.7%
    Enea Wytwarzanie – Heat Segment (Białystok Heat and Power Plant- excluding biomass combustion) 238 341 43.3% 88 87 -1.1%
    MEC Piła 63 67 6.3% 18 20 11.1%
    Production from renewable energy sources [GWh]. including: 539 442 -18.0% 146 152 4.1%
    Combustion of biomass 256 69 -73.0% 55 29 -47.3%
    Enea Wytwarzanie – RES Segment (hydroelectric plants) 113 173 53.1% 34 56 64.7%
    Enea Wytwarzanie – RES Segment (wind farms) 160 190 18.8% 53 64 20.8%
    Enea Wytwarzanie – RES Segment (biogas plants) 10 10 0.0% 4 3 -25.0%
    Gross generation of heat [TJ] 5 299 5 156 -2.7% 1 804 1 642 -9.0%

    Data of unit No. 11 in Kozienice Power Plant, currently under start-up

    Description 2016 2017 Q4 2016 Q4 2017
    Total generation of electricity (net) [GWh], including: 0 884 0 810
    Net production from conventional sources [GWh] 0 884 0 810

    Połaniec Power Plant

    Description 2016 2017 14 March – 31 December 2017 (in Enea Group) Q4 2016 Q4 2017
    Total generation of electricity (net) [GWh], including: 10 252 9 129 7 374 2 696 2 197
    Enea Elektrownia Połaniec – net production from conventional sources 8 145 7 308 5 990 2 131 1 867
    Enea Elektrownia Połaniec – production from renewable energy sources (combustion of biomass – green unit) 1 528 1 292 1 045 432 262
    Enea Elektrownia Połaniec – production from renewable energy sources (co-combustion of biomass) 579 529 339 133 68
    Gross generation of heat [TJ] 2 382 2 459 1 914 618 638
  • Gross capacity

    Enea Wytwarzanie

    Number of unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    Attainable capacity [MW] 228 228 225 228 228 228 228 228 560 560 1 075

    Enea Elektrownia Połaniec

    Number of unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GU
    Attainable capacity [MW] 225 242 242 242 225 242 239 225
  • Allowances for CO2 emissions

    Enea Wytwarzanie [’000 tonnes]

    Description As at 31 December 2016 1) As at 31 December 2017 2) w tym blok 11 
    Volume of free allowance for CO2 emissions (KPRU – National Allocation Plan) 3 369 2 426 0
    Volume of allowances for CO2 emissions purchased on the secondary market 9 003 10 237 945
    Total allowances for CO2 emissions 12 372 12 663 945
    Emission coverage with free allowances 27.23% 19.16% 0.00%

    1) It constitutes the actual redemption of 2016 in 2017

    2) Book recognition has been presented

    Enea Elektrownia Połaniec [’000 tonnes]

    Description As at 31 December 2016 As at 31 December 2017
    Volume of free allowances for CO2 emissions (KPRU – National Allocation Plan)   2 302 337
    Volume of allowances for CO2 emissions purchased on the secondary market  8 159 8 225
    Total allowances for CO2 emissions 10 461 8 562
    Emission coverage with free allowances3) 22.01% 3.94%

    3)For 2017, emission is not audited

  • Cost of CO2 emissions

    Enea Wytwarzanie [PLN ’000]

    Description 2016 2017 including unit No. 11
    Generation Area, including: 277 100 290 829  
    Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. Segment of System Power Plants (Kozienice Power Plant) 275 551 273 854 24 750
    Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. Heat Segment (Białystok Heat and Power Plant) 0 15 054 -
    MEC Piła 1 443 1 569 -
    PEC Oborniki  - - -
    MPEC Białystok 106 352 -

    Enea Elektrownia Połaniec [PLN ’000]

    Description 2016 2017
    Połaniec Power Plant 246 828 201 351
  • Purchase of electricity on the wholesale market by Enea Wytwarzanie

    In 2017, the volume of electricity purchases at Kozienice Power Station amounted to 1 920.7 GWh. The purchase of electricity was basically conducted as part of trading in electricity. The initially sold energy was bought back on the market in order to reduce generation costs (in the case of such possibilities) and to guarantee the supply of energy sold, with the loss of one’s own availability of the power of generation units. The volume of this sale is 1 066 GWh in the entire 2017.

    In addition, as part of the operations of the Balancing Market, energy purchases of 854.7 GWh were made. In the Heat Segment, the volume of purchases for 2017 amounted to 22.2 GWh – the purchase on the Balancing Market amounted to 19 GWh, the purchase on the market amounted to 3.2 GWh. As a rule, energy trading (sale = purchase) is carried out within the market opportunities guaranteeing achievement of the assumed financial effect and in order to limit the failure effects. The purchase of electricity as part of 2017 trading mainly concerned Kozienice Power Plant and accounted for 55% of the entire energy purchase. The purchase of electricity within the Balancing Market accounted for 45%. The purchase as part of trading in the Heat Segment resulted from measures limiting the costs of failure of generation units and the lack of available capacity vs. concluded contracts.

  • Purchase of electricity on the wholesale market by Enea Elektrownia Połaniec

    In 2017, the volume of electricity purchases at Enea Elektrownia Połaniec amounted to 2 284 GWh. Purchases were made for the purpose of energy trading activities in the amount of 915 GWh. Additionally, under the Balancing Market mechanisms, 1 369 GWh of energy was purchased.

  • Sales of electricity by Enea Wytwarzanie

    The volume of electricity sales in Enea Wytwarzanie in 2017 amounted to 15 423 GWh. The sales were carried out by individual segments depending on the statutory obligations and the concluded contracts.

  • Sales of electricity as part of one’s own sales at the Kozienice Power Plant

    The sales of electricity as part of one’s own sales at Kozienice Power Plant in 2017 amounted to 14 600 GWh. During this period, Enea Wytwarzanie was statutorily obliged to sell electricity generated on the commodity exchange (Article 49a of the Act on the Energy Law[[\dic]]), which accounted for 16.5%. Other sales include sales within the Enea Group, 77.5% and to the Balancing Market (PSE SA), 6%.

  • Sales of electricity within the Heat Segment

    In the Heat Segment, the sales of electricity in 2017 amounted to 450 GWh – the sales within the Enea Group accounted for 94.3%, the sales in the Balancing Market (PSE SA) were at 3.2%, and the sales to end recipients amounted to 2.5%.

  • Sales of electricity within the RES Segment

    In the RES Segment, the sales of electricity in 2017 amounted to 373 GWh (outside the Enea Group – 42%, within the Enea Group – 58%).

  • Sales of electricity within the Wind Area

    Description  2016 2017
    Fixed price[’000 PLN] 26 881 31 525
    Weighted average price [PLN/MWh] 167.86 165.77
  • Sales of electricity within the Subsidiaries

    In 2017, sales of electricity within the Subsidiaries amounted to 67 GWh.

  • Sales of electricity by Enea Elektrownia Połaniec

    In 2017, the volume-related electricity sales in Enea Elektrownia Połaniec amounted to 11 396 GWh, of which 1 821 GWh was energy from RES.

  • Fuel supply – Enea Wytwarzanie

    Data of Enea Wytwarzanie excluding unit No. 11 in Kozienice Power Plant

    Fuel type 2016 2017
    Volume [’000 tonnes] Cost 1) [mPLN] Volume[’000 tonnes] Cost 1)[mPLN]
    Bituminous coal 5 426 1 137 5 652 1 183
    Biomass 427 79 174 24
    Fuel oil (heavy) 2) 8 7 8 9
    Gas [’000 m3] 3) 16 198 23 16 831 19
    TOTAL 22 059 1 246 22 665 1 235

    Data of unit No. 11 in Kozienice Power Plant, under start-up

    Fuel type 2016 2017
    Volume [’000 tonnes] Cost 1) [mPLN] Volume [’000 tonnes] Cost 1) [mPLN]
    Bituminous coal 0 0 614 125
    Fuel oil (light) 2) 0 0 7 19
    TOTAL     621 144

    1) Including transport

    2) Light-up fuel in Kozienice Power Plant

    3) Used for the production of electricity and heat energy in MEC Piła and heat energy in PEC Oborniki

  • Enea Wytwarzanie – Kozienice Power Plant

    The basic fuel used to produce electricity is bituminous coal (fuel dust). In 2017, the main supplier of coal to Enea Wytwarzanie – Kozienice Power Plant was LW Bogdanka SA (around 84.3% of supplies). Additionally, coal supplies were performed by Polska Grupa Górnicza SA (approx.. 14.6% of supplies), Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA (approx. 0.4% of supplies) and Węglokoks SA (approx. 0.8% of supplies). In 2017, biomass was not co-combusted in Kozienice Power Plant.

    Enea Wytwarzanie – Heat Segment

    The basic fuels used in Enea Wytwarzanie in the Heat Segment (Białystok Heat and Power Plant) include: coal and biomass –mainly as wood chips, energetic willow chips and agricultural production left-overs and sunflower husk pellet. In 2017, the volume of supplied biomass amounted to over 173 thousand tonnes, and the supplies were performed by 12 entities. They were significantly smaller than in the same periods of previous years due to e.g. a complete renovation of the turbine set on the biomass unit. Approx. 10% of biomass was delivered to the area of Enea Wytwarzanie – Heat Segment, using rail transport. In 2017, the coal supplies to Enea Wytwarzanie – Heat Segment were performed by Polska Grupa Górnicza sp. z o.o. and LW Bogdanka SA (approx. 36%).

  • Coal supply – Enea Elektrownia Połaniec

    Fuel type 2016 2017
    Volume [’000 tonnes] Cost 1) [mPLN] Volume [’000 tonnes] Cost 1) [mPLN]
    Bituminous coal 3 543 723 3 673 730.6
    Biomass 1 737 334 1 450 253.6
    Fuel oil 6 8.7 7 11.4
    TOTAL 5 286 1 065.7 5 130 995.6

    1)Including transport

    In 2017, the main supplier of coal to Połaniec Power Plant was LW Bogdanka SA.

  • Coal transport – Enea Wytwarzanie

    Enea Wytwarzanie – Kozienice Power Plant

    The only means of transport used to deliver bituminous coal to Kozienice Power Plant was rail transport. PKP Cargo SA shipper performed approx. 90% of supplies and CD Cargo Poland sp. z o.o. (formerly: Koleje Czeskie sp. z o.o.) approx. 10% of supplies.

    Enea Wytwarzanie – Heat Segment

    Coal supplies to Enea Wytwarzanie – Heat Segment in 2017 were performed with rail transport by PKP Cargo SA. Prices of fuels included the cost of delivery to Białystok Heat and Power Plant generating source.

    Coal transport – Enea Elektrownia Połaniec

    In 2017, coal transport in Enea Elektrownia Połaniec was performed mainly by PKP Cargo SA and CTL Logistics sp. z o.o. Some supplies were performed by EPCT Silesia, PGG and JSW.

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