• PL | EN
Capital expenditure [mPLN] 2016 2017 Status of Plan Implementation 2018 Plan
Generation 1 390.20 1 094.70 89.20% 596
Distribution 920.4 1 022.30 105.30% 966.6
Mining 307.7 373.4 1) 96.80% 496
Support and other 118.7 139.7 81.00% 360.8
TOTAL Plan implementation 2 737.00 2 630.10 95.50% 2 419.40
Equity investments2) 5 1 556.80 - -
TOTAL Enea Group’s expenditures 2 742.00 4 186.90 - -

1) The amount excludes PLN 0.4m expenditures incurred in Q1-Q3 2017 by subsidiaries of LW Bogdanka SA

2) Not included in Enea Group’s material and financial plan

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