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Estimated investment expenditures

Strategy | Estimated investment expenditures

Basic investment fund in the amount of PLN 26.4b

Estimated capital expenditures of Enea Group in the years 2016-2030 [mPLN, current prices]

Area 2016-2025 2026-2030
Mining 3 712 2 080
Distribution 9 501 5 193
Generation 4 808 504
Other 403 153
Total basic investment fund of Enea Group 18 424 7 930
CAPEX potential1) 6 176 5 320
Increasing the investment potential 2) 3 200 2 500
Enea Group Total 27 800 15 750

1) CAPEX potential maintaining the net/EBITDA ratio on a safe level

2) Increasing the investment potential by PLN 5.7bn as a result of the implementation of innovative strategic initiatives (growth in EBITDA)

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